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Industrial Chemistry Congress 2022

Industrial Chemistry 2022

Theme: Sustainable Industrial Chemistry & Advanced Measures for Waste Water Treatment: Improving Existing Technologies

Chemistry & Water Conferences- On behalf of Industrial Chemistry and Water Treatment organizing committee, we warmly welcome analytical expertise researchers, professors, scientific communities, delegates, students, business professionals and executives to attend "20th International Conference on Industrial Chemistry and Water Treatment" which is to be held during July 07-08, 2022 at Toronto, Canada.

Industrial Chemistry and Water Treatment 2022  is an International platform for presenting research about chemistry and related fields thus contributes to the dissemination of knowledge for the benefit of both the academia, chemical and water treatment business. This event brings together the top professionals in the chemistry and chemical engineering field along with the highly affiliated professors to explore the advancements and latest applications achieved in the field of Industrial chemistry, Water Treatment technology and reverse osmosis membrane technology. Industrial Chemistry and Water Treatment 2022 discusses various fields of chemistry employed in Petroleum and Organic Industrial Chemistry, Industrial Polymers, Metals and Composites Chemistry, Industrial Processes, White biotechnology and Green Chemistry, Metallurgy and Material Science in Industrial Chemistry, Applied chemistry, Industrial Photo Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Clean water technology, Water Solutions and Strategies in chemical Industry, Reverse Osmosis and Nano filtration, Domestic Water Treatment, Desalination, Ultrapure Water Production, Industrial Water and Waste Water treatment, Boiler Water Treatment and Cooling Water Treatment, Applied Membranes and Nano membrane technology and chemical science fields which mark the support for the advanced and much needed research by their study on various topics. The scientific program will focus on current advances in the research in water treatment and use of chemistry and related with particular focus on its roles and applications in various fields and industries.

In the light of this theme, the Conference Series LLC Ltd aims to provide a forum for International Chemistry researchers from various areas of chemistry, pharmacy, water technologies and life science by providing a platform for critical analysis of new data, and to share latest cutting-edge research findings and results about all aspects of Industrial chemistry. Chemistry conferences provide a platform to detail the research work of expertise from various scientific backgrounds and the same can be perceived by young researchers and students.

Details of Industrial Chemistry 2022 conference in Canada

Conference Name Place Date
20th International Conference on Industrial Chemistry and Water Treatment Toronto, Canada July 07-08, 2022 


Learning Objects and Benefits

20th International Conference on Industrial Chemistry and Water Treatment  gives a complete overview on Industrial chemistry, Nano materials, petro chemistry, photo chemistry, Electro chemistry, Analytical chemistry, Ultra-pure water production, Industrial process Research and many more.

In Industrial chemistry 202meeting, International symposiums, B2B meetings, International workshops will also be organized to discuss the specific topics in the field of chemistry and industries.

Industrial chemistry 202developments are maintaining their momentum. 

2022 Industrial Chemistry Conference programme delves into strategic discussions regarding:


For Researchers and Faculty members

  • Keynote Presentations
  • Speaker Presentations
  • Poster Presentation
  • Symposium Hosting
  • Workshop Organizing
  • Special Sessions Presentation

For Universities, Associations & Societies:

For students and Research Scholars:

  • Poster Competition
  • Young Researcher Forum
  • Student Attendee
  • Group Registrations

For Business Delegates:

  • Speaker Presentations
  • Symposium Hosting
  • Book Launch Event
  • Networking Opportunities
  • Audience Participation

For product manufacturers:

  • Exhibitor and Vendor Booths
  • Sponsorship Opportunities
  • Product Launch
  • Workshop Organization
  • Scientific Partnering
  • Marketing and Networking with Clients

The benefits of attending Industrial Chemistry Congress 2022:

  • All the accepted abstracts will be published in respective international journals and will receive a DOI provided by Cross Ref
  • Active Communications and Networking with Experts in the field
  • Meet Academia and Industry visionaries to get inspired
  • Knowledge, Benchmarking and Networking offered at one place
  • Forge connections and for global networking
  • Highly Organized and Structured Scientific programs     
  • Best Poster & Young Researcher Award Nominations
  • Post your Associations/Organizations requirement in the conference website and souvenir

Learning objectives

  • Share and describe new developments in the field of Dentistry.
  • Modernize the contributors on up-to-date knowledge containing regulatory and methodical thinking
  • Arrangement with regulatory, scientific and functional encounters
  • Participants can build their networks of professionals and can find valuable resources.
  • Interchange capabilities and discuss research topics with professionals
  • Frame the up-to-date disputes and build discussion

Key Features

  • Meet Regulatory Expectations
  • Devise Strategies
  • Discover different statistical methodologies to exhibit with the reference product
  • Panel Discussion and Extended Q&A Sessions
  • Open forum to discuss your most critical questions around Industrial chemistry, Nano materials, petro chemistry, photo chemistry, Electro chemistry, Analytical chemistry, Ultra-pure water production, Industrial process Research and many more.
  • National & International Speakers
  • Networking with National and International Industry stalwarts who will inspire, educate and engage in all the aspects of Chemistry and Industrial chemistry.
  • Gain insights and enhance your knowledge with Industrial chemistry2022.
  • Provides interaction with the world's well known CEO's and Directors of the Indutrial Chemistry.

Join your companions the world over focused on getting some solutions concerning  Industrial chemistry related advances, which is your single most obvious opportunity to accomplish the greatest gathering of individuals from the society, coordinate shows, scatter information, meet with recurring pattern and potential specialists, make a sprinkle with new research works, and get name affirmation at this Two-day event. Broadly acclaimed speakers, the most recent research, moves, and the most momentum refreshes in Chemistry and Industrial chemistries are indications of this gathering.

Industrial chemistry Market Analysis Review

Chemistry Conferences: The global market analysis for chemicals and water treatment should reach $38.2 billion by 2021 from $28.5 billion in 2018 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.1%, from 2017 to 2023.In 2018 market analysis for alternative U.S chemical end-use product market is expected to increase from $149.9 billion to an estimated $345.6 billion by 2023. In 2026 it should reach $884.1 billion, with a compound annual growth rate of 19.4% for the period of 2018-2026.

Italy Industrial Chemistry: Italy, given its relevant industrial manufacturing base, represents a large market for chemical products accounting for about €60 billion. With a turnover of about €53 billion in 2016 (€83 billion including pharmaceuticals) the country’s domestic chemical industry represents the third largest producer of chemicals in Europe. Almost 3,000 companies are active in the sector providing jobs for about 108,000 employees (172,000 including pharmaceuticals).

Italy chemical production- In 2018, the chemical industry’s sales (excluding pharmaceuticals) amounted to €56 billion, generated by 2,800 companies. Together chemical companies achieve 7% of Italy’s manufacturing sales, making chemicals the country’s fourth largest manufacturing sector in terms of production value and the third in terms of exports.

Italy Water Treatment: In the United Kingdom, where roughly 4% of generated electricity is used by the water industry alone, some recent studies have highlighted the importance of greenhouse-gas (GHG) emissions from energy use in the water sector. They show that water-related energy use in the US accounts for nearly 6% of total GHG emissions, and the proportion is even higher in the UK 2, 3.

In Italy, the energy consumption of the integrated water service is about 7.6 billion of kWh/year   

In Spain the three major sources of consumption in the public sector are:

  • Street lighting.
  • Drinking water supply & waste water treatment.
  • Water desalination.

Taking into account that the total population in the EU-27 is around 500.7 million10 and assuming an energy intensity use from the urban wastewater treatment  of 30 kWh/pe·year1.

Jobs:The chemical sector employs about 109,600 high qualified workers but generates an even greater number of indirect jobs, about twice as much as through direct employment.

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date July 07-08, 2022

For Sponsors & Exhibitors

Speaker Opportunity

Supported By

All accepted abstracts will be published in respective Conference Series International Journals.

Abstracts will be provided with Digital Object Identifier by