Manuel Alvarez Cuenca
President and professor
Ryerson University
Twenty five years of industrial experience in Wastewater Treatment (ECOTECHNOS INC.), Energy Transformation, Liquid and Solid Fuels (ESSO); coal combustion and environmental pollution (ONTARIO HYDRO); pressurised fluid bed combustion (ENDESA). Twenty-two years of experience in the development of technologies for water/wastewater treatment including fixed film bioreactors; nitrification-denitrification in rotating biological contactors and fluidized beds; nutrient removal (phosphorous and nitrogen) in wastewater; President of Ecotechnos Inc. (Toronto). The firm designs and manufactures advanced wastewater treatment plants for small and medium-size industries. Ecotechnos develops and manufactures compact, modular fixed film technologies for the treatment of wastewater from food processing industries, subdivisions, tourist resorts, shopping centres and in general for the replacement or upgrading of obsolete facilities like septic tanks, ponds and conventional activated sludge facilities.
Research Interest
Wastewater Treatment (ECOTECHNOS INC.), Energy Transformation, Liquid and Solid Fuels (ESSO); coal combustion and environmental pollution (ONTARIO HYDRO); pressurised fluid bed combustion,technology transfer and evaluation with major energy corporationscombustion,technology transfer and evaluation with major energy corporations