Adele Brunetti
Institute on Membrane Technology of the National Research Council
Dr. Ing. A. Brunetti got her PhD in Chemical Engineering in 2008 at the University of Calabria. Since 2004 works at ITM-CNR in the framework of several projects at international and national level. Since 2012, researcher at ITM-CNR. Author of 50 papers published on referenced international scientific journals, 9 book chapters edited by Elsevier, Wiley, Royal Society of Chemistry and about 150 international conference proceedings, she has participated with oral presentations and key notes to several international conferences. Referee of several scientific journal of international level (ISI). Winner of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering - Excellence Award in Membrane Engineering 2010 for the best recognized PhD thesis in the years 2006-2009 Selected and invited as young researcher to participate to the CEICS Nobel Campus - Chemistry for Life 2012. Awarded as young talent in the research field for the “Festival dei Giovani Talentiâ€, supported by Ministro della Gioventù and realized by Agenzia Nazionale per i Giovani, 2010. Awarded for the best oral presentation at PERMEA 2010 Membrane Technology Conference.
Research Interest
Membrane condensers for water recovery; Catalytic membrane reactors for high temperature reactions; Design of membrane separation unit for the recovery of high purity hydrogen; Study of integrated membrane plants for high purity (CO<10 ppm) hydrogen production; Membrane gas separation; CO2 capture by membrane technology; Testing and characterization of polymeric, zeolitic, ceramic membranes for gas separation, also in controlled relative humidity conditions.